Things You Should Know Before Booking an Astrology Consultation

What an Astrology Consultation Is, and Isn’t

When it comes to popular astrology, most people become exposed to Zodiac sign based horoscopes, which, ironically, in the professional astrological community, are dismissed as frivolous. Zodiac sign horoscopes merely represent the position of the Sun at the moment of your birth. 

However, your astrological makeup extends beyond the Sun to include the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and an array of other celestial companions. Each of these planets brings its own energy and influence, shaping different facets of your personality and life experiences. Beyond individual planets, astrological houses play a pivotal role. These 12 segments of the celestial sphere symbolize different aspects of life, from relationships and career to spirituality. Unraveling the mysteries of these houses requires knowledge of your exact time and place of birth. All of these elements make up a natal chart – a unique snapshot of the sky at the moment of your birth serves as a cosmic blueprint, offering a multifaceted view of your personality, tendencies, and life’s potential. 

A consultation with a professional astrologer focuses on your unique chart that nobody else in this world would have. Even twins born in the same place at roughly the same time will have different natal charts, and therefore, personalities, because minutes matter.

The Essence of Astrology Consultations

Frequently, people seek the guidance of astrologers when they feel stuck—either in the process of their personal development or in making sense of their experiences. This is a common occurrence, as we are all creatures of habit, and at times, find ourselves going in circles, struggling to break the loop. Talking to a skilled astrologer always provides clients with a fresh perspective on their lives. It introduces new ideas and insights that they wouldn’t have easily discovered themselves given the subjective nature of their experiences.

Astrology, as a whole, is a rich and intricate system. Each astrological sign is not just a symbol but a unique code. The same can be said for every astrological house, celestial body and aspect between heavenly bodies. Consequently, their combination weaves a fascinating narrative, where one can always discover thoughts or ideas that have yet to cross their mind in the context of their current situation. Afterward, people often realize the untapped aspects of their lives and are surprised by how they hadn’t considered them earlier.

These are just a few themes you can expect to explore:

Self-Understanding: A natal chart reading delves into your unique personality traits, strengths, and challenges based on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of your birth. This self-awareness can lead to a deeper understanding of your motivations, preferences, and potential life path.

Life Purpose and Direction: A natal chart has a few elements that can point you to better understand your life’s purpose and potential direction. Understanding these elements can help you align your choices and actions with your broader life goals.

Relationship Dynamics: A professional astrologer can analyze your natal chart in relation to others, providing insights into compatibility, communication styles, and potential challenges in various relationships, including romantic, familial, and professional connections.

Timing of Life Events: By examining the transits and progressions in your natal chart, astrologers can offer insights into the timing of significant life events. This forecasting aspect of astrology can be valuable for planning and navigating key phases in your life.

Career Guidance: Astrology can provide insights into suitable career paths and areas where you may find fulfillment and success. Understanding the astrological indicators for your professional life can guide your choices and career development.

Personal Growth: A natal chart reading can highlight areas of personal growth and development. Recognizing your strengths and challenges allows you to work on self-improvement and make conscious choices for personal evolution.

Emotional Well-Being: Astrology can shed light on emotional patterns and tendencies, helping you navigate and understand your emotions better. This awareness can contribute to emotional well-being and provide tools for managing stress and challenges.

Decision-Making: Whether it’s choosing the right time for significant life events (electional astrology) or gaining insights into the potential outcomes of decisions (horary astrology), astrology can be a valuable tool for decision-making and planning.

Spiritual Exploration: For those interested in spiritual matters, astrology can provide insights into spiritual inclinations, potential paths of growth, and a broader understanding of one’s connection to the universe.

Confirmation and Validation: Some people find that a natal chart reading provides confirmation or validation of their life experiences, feelings, and challenges. This sense of validation can be comforting and empowering.

What to Expect During the Consultation

It’s worth noting that every astrologer works differently, just like any professional in the self-development field. In my personal practice, I offer two options: a one-time consult (~1.5 hours) or a series of 3 one-hour sessions.

During a one-time consult, I will guide you through your natal chart, paint your astrological portrait and key areas of focus in your life. We will explore themes such as character traits, relationships, career and personal growth. 

A series of 3 sessions is a great opportunity to get even more detailed. I will guide you through your natal chart during the first session, and the remaining two we will work together to explore specific areas of life in greater detail (such as career or relationships). Additionally, I will coach you at the end of each session to determine what authentic action looks like based on the information you’ve learned.

Astrology consultations are always a two-way dialogue. Be prepared to share some information about your life. No need to share sensitive details. You can share as much as you feel comfortable sharing, but I do encourage clients to be open to the best of their ability, so I can guide you more accurately. I also encourage clients to express uncertainties or seek clarification to ensure that I can address your specific needs and provide information that resonates with you.

How to Prepare for a Consultation

Before your consultation, take some time to identify specific questions or areas of your life you’d like to explore. Having a clear focus allows me to tailor the session to your needs, ensuring that you receive insights that are directly relevant and meaningful to your current circumstances. 

While it is not necessary to know anything about astrology to have an insightful and productive consultation, here are a few terms you can familiarize yourself with to enhance your experience: 

  • Natal Chart: the map of the celestial bodies’ positions at the time of your birth, often represented in a circular chart.
  • Planets: Celestial bodies that influence different aspects of your personality and life, such as Mercury (communication), Venus (love), and Mars (drive).
  • Zodiac Sign: One of the 12 astrological divisions of the celestial sphere, each corresponding to a specific period during the year.
  • Houses: 12 segments of the natal chart, each representing different areas of life, like relationships, career, and home.
  • Aspects: The angular relationships between planets, influencing the dynamics between various aspects of your life.
  • Transits: The current positions of planets in relation to your natal chart, offering insights into ongoing and upcoming life events.
  • Retrograde: A phenomenon where a planet appears to move backward in its orbit from the perspective of an observer on Earth. The most commonly discussed retrograde in astrology is Mercury, but all planets can go retrograde. Retrograde motion is considered a time for introspection, review, and reevaluation of the areas of life associated with the particular planet. 

Post-Consultation Reflection:

The insights you gain during an astrology consultation are valuable seeds for personal growth. Set some time aside in a quiet space to reflect and internalize the information. 

Consider how the astrological insights align with your goals and challenges. Identify practical steps or mindset shifts you can implement. Consider journaling. Writing down your thoughts and observations can solidify the connection between astrological insights and your experiences. Regularly revisiting your notes allows you to track your progress and gain deeper insights over time.

Post-consultation reflection transforms astrological advice from a one-time experience into an ongoing source of guidance and self-discovery. By taking the time to reflect and integrate these insights, you empower yourself to navigate life with a greater understanding of your unique cosmic influences.

Delving into the realm of astrology consultations opens up a world of self-discovery, guidance, and personal growth. The cosmic blueprint revealed in your unique natal chart is a powerful tool for understanding yourself and navigating life’s journey.

If you’re intrigued by the possibilities that astrology consultations offer and are eager to explore the depths of your cosmic influences, I invite you to take the next step. Book a consultation with me, and let’s embark on a journey together to uncover the insights and potentials that await you.

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