Work Smarter, Not Harder: How to Use Lunar Phases in Your Monthly Planning

The moon is the closest celestial companion to us here on Earth, and it beautifully mirrors the cyclical nature of our own lives. 

All things in the world of nature go through cycles – the seasons, the crops, the cycle of life and death. The same happens in the modern world full of business projects. We plant a seed, which is an idea. We nurture it by putting in the hours and perfecting our vision. We launch the project to the public and collect the profits once it’s ripe. Then, naturally, we take a break (I hope!), recalibrate and start over. There is a time and place for each piece, and you can’t skip steps in nature.

The tricky part about our modern lives, though, is that we have multiple priorities and responsibilities in different lifecycle stages happening simultaneously. Shifting gears and multi-tasking is exhausting, but by aligning your life and calendar with the lunar phases can provide relief. 

Here is how you can tap into the natural rhythms of the Moon to create a better balance between intention and action.

Understanding the Lunar Phases

In astrology, the Moon isn’t just a pretty face in the night sky. It’s the OG symbol of survival, reflecting how we navigate our emotions, behaviors, and subconsciousness in this crazy ride we call life. Now, in astronomy, lunar phases are like the moon’s wardrobe changes – a dazzling display of its illuminated side as it orbits Earth in about 29.5 days.

Technically, there are 8 lunar phases, but for simplicity we can condense it to four big energy shifts, in addition to the New Moon and Full Moon.

Photo by Alex Andrews on

🌚 New Moon: A Blank Canvas

The New Moon is a cosmic blank canvas, a moment of celestial quietude, a reset button. During this phase, the Moon aligns with the Sun, presenting its dark side to Earth, but it’s all about intention setting for your next adventure. 


  • Reflect and set intentions

🌒 Waxing Crescent Moon: Initiating Plans

Following the New Moon, the Waxing Crescent Moon is the cosmic green light for all your new projects and brainy ideas. Embrace this fresh energy, approach your plans with enthusiasm and begin laying the groundwork for your endeavors.


  • Set SMART goals (but don’t act quite yet)
  • Start a new wellness practice
  • Learn something new

🌓 Half-Moon: Gather Data

As the moon reaches its half-illuminated state, it’s a cosmic checkpoint. You’ve set things into motion during the last phase, and had a bit of time to see how they’re landing in the environment around you. Pay attention to the feedback and signs you’re receiving. Should you quickly adjust anything before moving further? 


  • Pay attention to what’s being presented to you
  • Kick off new initiatives

🌖 Waxing Gibbous Moon: Hustle Time

Entering the hustle phase, the moon’s illumination increases, signifying a time to be proactive. Continue with full steam. Make refinements and improvements to your ongoing projects. It’s your invite to embrace productivity like never before.


  • Be proactive
  • Act courageously
  • Make refinements 

🌕 Full Moon: Reap the Benefits

When the Full Moon takes center stage, it’s time to bask in its glow. Celebrate your wins, express gratitude, and truly release what no longer serves you. Do remember during the Full Moon, there’s heightened sensitivity and conflicts may arise. Be gentle with others and yourself. Pause for much-needed rest.


  • Celebrate getting to the finish line
  • Be gentle with yourself and others

🌘 Waning Gibbous to Waning Crescent Moon: Reflect & Release

As the moon’s glow diminishes, it’s your cue for reflection and analysis. What hasn’t served you up to this point? Now is the time to work on shedding old habits and perspectives. This is the time when heightened sensitivity continues – a cosmic PMS, if you will, before we start a new Moon cycle all over again.


  • Reflect and analyze
  • Slow down

Balancing Astrology with Real-Life Demands: Tips for Integrating Lunar Planning into Work and Family Life

Now, I get it. Your life is a juggling act, and adding lunar phases might sound like another item on an already packed to-do list. But think of it like checking the weather forecast. You’re still the captain of your ship, but a heads-up on the cosmic climate can make your journey smoother. Here are a few things I do personally to make it easier.

Identify Priority Phases & Mark Them on Your Calendar

You don’t have to plan for all Lunar phases. When you sit down to set your monthly goals, pull up a Lunar phase calendar. Recognize the key lunar phases that align with your goals and priorities. Focus on these phases for more significant decisions or endeavors, so that your lunar planning is both intentional and manageable. I add a Lunar phase to my Google Calendar so that if I need to shift my schedule around, I can still do my best to easily align my to-do’s with the current astrology.

Flexible Goal Setting:

Embrace flexibility in goal setting. While lunar phases provide optimal windows for specific activities, allow room for adaptation. Understand that some phases may be more conducive to certain tasks, but not necessarily restrictive. It’s not the end of the world if you can’t avoid launching a campaign on a Full Moon. Just add some buffer to any timelines and plan ahead some extra rest afterwards. 

Leverage Digital Tools:

There’s a ton of apps out there that provide real-time lunar data. My favorite way for iPhone users is to set up the Weather app as a widget on your home screen, showing the current Moon phase. The more you get exposed to seeing the lunar phase, the easier it will get to adapt and schedule your life accordingly.

Balancing astrology with real-life chaos is an art. Take it as an opportunity to tap into a unique framework for managing your energy effectively. Each lunar phase carries distinct qualities, so instead of swimming against the current, you can go with the flow. Start small and be st rategic with what’s most important first, building a habit overtime. 

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